So far I have eaten:
- No gluten
- No dairy
- No fried food
- No added sugar
- No sweetners.
LOL, it seems easier to NOT eat than to avoid all these things.
What I had for breakfast:
- A slice of pineapple (it was delicious, it was SO sweet)
- A chunk of watermelo
- Some fruit salad made with Kiwi, Pineapple, Apple and Paw Paw
- Orange and Acerola Berry juice (Acerolas are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, they are quite sour, but I did not add sugar or sweetner)
How I feel right now:
Like a million bucks and SO proud I managed one meal within my self-imposed plan.
I don't plan on going without dairy for long, my idea is cutting it for a month or so and then see if I can at least add cheese back as I really enjoy it.
A little plus that made my day: A boy stopped me today to say I was pretty !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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