***(good ideas, but not all doable
** (one or two good concepts)
*(don't waste your money!)
Books I have finished:
- The Dukan Diet **
- Slim for Life ***
- Low Gi - Belly Fat Diet *
- The Flat Belly Diet ***
- Tudo posso mas nem tudo me convém (Portuguese Only) ***
- The New Atkins for the New You ***
- The Waterfall Diet **
Books I am currently reading:
- The Paleo Diet (have read too little to tell)
- Master Your Metabolism (so far *****)
Books I've started reading but haven't finished yet:
- Anticancer a new way of life ***** (so far)
- Why do I still have thyroid symptoms? ***
Books I bought but haven't started reading yet:
- Feeling Fat, Fuzzy and Frazzled?
The star ratings are really helpful. :o)