sábado, 3 de março de 2012

Get that heart pumping!

Less than an hour ago I wrote about how shitty I felt (sorry, excuse my language, but that's how I was feeling.)
I tried to lie down for a few minutes, but I just felt worse. 

What I was really craving wasn't rest, apparently I needed some endorphin and to get some frustration out of my system: to get  my heart pumping fast...I turned on some nice music, and filled a bottle up with raspberry flavored green tea...
Got up on my Elliptical trainer and got my legs pumping as fast and hard as I could. Never got my heart monitor beeping so fast haha. 

Recommended workout cd: Evanscence by Evanescence. It's upbeat, and has a slower song now and then, and trust me, when the slower songs come on you're ready to take it easier. 

Now I'm sweating like a hog, lobster faced and out of breath but I haven't felt this good in a long time. BTW, that headache is gone. 

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